Barbara J. Blaisdell, CCHT, LCPC, LCMT
Website: ''
Phone: 925-786-5399
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy
Certified Professional Life, Spiritual, & Hypno-Coaching
For more information, please click the "More" tab above and select from the menu.
"Let me help you be your best" - Barbara
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All of my services are available remotely, and by appointment only (Call 925) 786-5399).
You deserve to be happy and free of unwanted negative thoughts and habits, and I look forward to helping you heal your spirit and find the happiness and sense of healthy freedom you deserve. I offer Life/Spiritual Coaching & Hypnotherapy.
During difficult times, especially as we deal with the pandemic, if you feel depressed or need immediate help, please call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at #1-800-273-8255.
Remember, we are all going through this together.
Each of us has our own set of circumstances, but we are not alone in this.
Things you can do to help yourself and others:
1. Be safe (wear a mask, keep distance with others when possible, get vaccinated).
2. Keep your spirits up (try to not focus on things you can't change. It will all get better.
Meanwhile, find positive things you can enjoy & Focus on helping others.)
3. If possible, make time for learning & self discovery (Learn more about yourself , family,
friends, hobbies, talents, goals, etc.)
4. If you are back to work and feel vulnerable, wearing mask and getting vaccines will
help (others may not always agree, but taking actions that help you feel better are
Thank you. Have a great day! - Barbara
About Barbara
Stress and negative influences will always exist, but the way you respond to these things can make a huge difference in your life. My goal is to help you heal your spirit, rid yourself of bad habits, and find better ways of thinking and responding to negative situations. I hope to help you build healthy relationships with others, and yourself; to help you learn more about what you want in your life, and help you make a plan for getting there, enjoying your life along the way. I'd like to help you minimize the pain, stress, and negativity that can so undermine your health and well being. Every client is different. Depending on your needs we will create sessions designed to help you grow and get you where you want to be.
The uses for Hypnotherapy and Life/Spiritual Coaching are endless. Whether you need a boost in confidence; to free yourself from negative, or even life threatening programming or habits; to work on weight, health, personal or professional goals; to help you sleep better, to dream/plan your future, or to just relax, I look forward to helping you by being your confidant and guide; using hypnosis, coaching, and other techniques I have acquired over the years to help you be and feel your best.
30 min
40 US dollars1 hr
70 US dollars1 hr 30 min
100 US dollars30 min
40 US dollars1 hr
70 US dollars1 hr 30 min
100 US dollars1 hr 30 min
400 US dollars1 hr 30 min
100 US dollars